Each month, the CDI team rounds up some of the biggest #GIcommunity research, news, and trends, and how they are impacting functional GI diagnostics and treatment of patients around the world.
On the Spot: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
In the latest issue of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News, a panel of GI experts discuss some of the hottest IBS topics for 2021 including the efficacy of special IBS diets, the role of probiotics in IBS treatment, the role of specialized motility testing for diagnosis, the linkage between SIBO and IBS, and much more.
“Clinical breath tests can help obtain information for many conditions—such as SIBO and carbohydrate malabsorption—which can play a role in many functional bowel disorders, such as IBS. An advantage of these tests is also that they are safe, noninvasive and inexpensive.”
-Alison Schneider, MD, Gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic Florida, in Weston
COVID-19 Vaccines: Key Information for Gastroenterologists
This month, ACG has released a suite of information, materials and resources so the GI care team can act as a trusted advisor with their patients when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination. ACG is encouraging members to support the “1Fact/1Myth” campaign to dispel misinformation by disseminating materials to patients and the community and also by sharing posts on social media using the #1Fact!Myth hashtag.
Gut Feelings: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and the Patient-Doctor Relationship
Released this year, this new guide for patients and doctors explores the science, diagnosis, and treatment of the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI), formerly called Functional GI Disorders, as well as the importance of effective communication skills for patients and their doctors. The book was written by Douglas A. Drossman, MD, an internationally acclaimed gastroenterologist and founder of the Rome Foundation and DrossmanCare, and Johannah Ruddy MEd, a highly recognized patient advocate and executive director of the Rome Foundation. CDI is a proud sponsor of this groundbreaking book that focuses on improving the care of patients with DGBI.