The Leader in Hydrogen and Methane Breath Testing®

One Simple Diagnostic Solutions Order Form
For All Your Functional GI Diagnostic Solutions

Diagnostic Test Order Form
CDI will submit a claim on the patient’s behalf to commercial insurance, Medicare or Tricare. Insurance may cover some or all of the test depending on the patient’s insurance plan and benefits. In the event the patient’s insurance provider denies the insurance claim, or if the patient has not met the deductible or has a coinsurance or co-pay, or if for any reason the insurance does not cover the full amount of the test, the patient is responsible to pay CDI for products and services received.
CDI does not accept any Medicaid plans: therefore any Medicaid patient taking a test will be responsible for the full cost of the test. CDI offers convenient payment plans and financial hardship programs for qualifying patients. Patients may pay upfront via check sent with the kit or credit card. The maximum out-of-pocket cost is $299 per breath test for patients that pay promptly in accordance with CDI patient billing policies and programs. Click here for an updated list of in-network providers.
Provider Resources
Access diagnostic instructions, test interpretation support, patient resources, practice FAQs and more.
Patient Resources
Access instructional videos, test FAQs, billing information, and more.